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Appointee for foreign students

picture of the appointee

Marvin Büsscher is our appointee for foreign students.
He will help you and represent your interests.

Please do not hesitate to contact him.


You can contact Marvin or everyone of us - the students representatives of mathematics - personally locally in our bureau (Mathetower Room M 1019) and by phone (0231 755-3132) in the consulting hours ("Sprechstunden"). We are reachable anytime by email (fsmath AT fsmath.mathematik.tu MINUS dortmund.de).
On the homepage of the university you will get more information about Contact and Directions.

Entities of the student association

The plenary assembly of student association
("Die Fachschaftsvollversammlung")

Once in the semester there is a plenary assembly ("Fachschaftsvollversammlung", abbr. "FVV"). On the plenary assembly all students of the student association "Fachschaft Mathematik" have active and passive electoral rights - You can elect and be elected.

Bodies you can be voted in

The council of student representatives
("Der Fachschaftsrat")

The student representatives organize all activities of the student association. The student representatives are elected on the plenary assembly.

The council of faculty representatives
("Der Fakultätsrat")

The council of faculty representatives consists of elected members of the professors, representatives of the students and academic employees.